Have you wondered if acupuncture will improve your chances of success in IVF?

When you’re going through IVF, it’s completely natural to be curious about anything that might improve your chances of success. One of the most common questions I get asked is: “Will acupuncture help me get pregnant?”

Perhaps you’re asking because you’re afraid of needles. Maybe you’re already doing other forms of self-care, like yoga, and wondering how you’ll manage to squeeze yet another appointment into your week. Or it could be that you’re already investing so much in fertility treatments, and you’re not sure if your finances can stretch to cover the cost of regular acupuncture sessions. These concerns are all completely valid.

Let’s start with the research.

There are studies that suggest acupuncture may improve IVF outcomes, particularly when done around the time of embryo transfer. It is believed that acupuncture can help increase blood flow to the uterus, potentially aiding the implantation process. Increased blood flow can provide the ideal conditions for an embryo to implant, which could, in theory, improve your chances of a successful pregnancy.

But let’s take a step back and look at acupuncture from another angle; self-care.

Self-care is a crucial component of the IVF process. The physical and emotional toll it takes can be overwhelming, and any practice that helps you relax, destress, and stay grounded can make a significant difference. That’s where acupuncture comes in. Yes, there are potential physical benefits, but one of the most powerful aspects of acupuncture is its ability to help you switch off, take a breather, and get out of your own head. And when you’re going through IVF, those moments of calm are priceless.

When I was going through my own IVF journey, I made the decision to see an acupuncturist, Alex Lochhead, in York. I remember picking up the phone and calling him with that very same question: “Will this help me get pregnant?” His response was refreshingly honest. He said, “Gemma, I can’t guarantee acupuncture will get you pregnant, but I can tell you it will help you relax, destress, and that can only be a good thing right now.”

And do you know what? He was absolutely right.

Each time I walked into Alex’s garden room, nestled within the grounds of his home, I felt the weight of my worries start to lift. Alex has the driest sense of humour, and despite the seriousness of why I was there, we would often end up laughing, putting the world to rights during our sessions. For that one hour each week, I wasn’t thinking about IVF, I wasn’t consumed by the “what ifs,” or obsessing over whether I would ever become a mum. I was present, fully in the moment. And THAT was the value in acupuncture for me.

I consider Alex to be one of the people who helped me through my IVF journey, not because acupuncture magically made me pregnant, but because it gave me a sense of control in a process that felt utterly out of my control. The emotional support and respite I gained from those sessions were invaluable.

Interestingly, Alex is also a talented artist, and two of his paintings now hang on the wall of my counselling room. Every time I see those paintings, I’m reminded of the strength and resilience I found during those difficult times. His continued presence in my life through his art, helps keep me grounded.

painting of a sailing boat and person

So, back to the original question…

“Will acupuncture help me get pregnant?” Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. What’s more important is finding a form of self-care that works for you. Acupuncture might be a wonderful way to relax and support your emotional wellbeing. But if it’s not for you, whether that’s because of finances, time, or just a general dislike of needles, be rest assured there are plenty of other options out there.

The key thing to remember is this; you need to take control of your emotional wellbeing during IVF. The entire process can feel chaotic and unpredictable. Finding something that helps you feel grounded is essential and this can take many different forms; acupuncture, yoga, meditation, or even just taking a walk in nature.

Taking care of your emotional health is one of the most powerful things you can do during your fertility journey.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the endless suggestions and advice on what you “should” be doing during IVF, I can help you navigate that. Together, we can find the right self-care practices for you, so you can take back some control in a process that often feels uncontrollable.