Happy World Sleep Day

Happy World Sleep Day

Getting enough sleep is essential for good mental health.  It is one of our basic needs and when we do not get enough sleep, it can have a detrimental impact. To mark this day, I have produced an information sheet on sleep, focusing on something called Sleep Hygiene. ...
Welcome to March 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to March 2021 Newsletter

It is my pleasure to share my first monthly newsletter with you.  If would like to be added to my distribution list, please leave your details in the “Contact me” section of my website. I do hope you enjoy reading it. Gemma Antcliffe Counselling –...
When challenging feels…challenging

When challenging feels…challenging

Today is International Women’s Day 2021 and the theme is #ChooseToChallenge.  Central to this campaign is encouraging both women and men to call out gender bias, challenge inequality, question stereotypes and help forge an inclusive world.   We are all responsible for...