A tour of my counselling room

A tour of my counselling room

When you first come to counselling, so many things may be going through your mind. What will the counsellor be like? How do I get to the counselling session? Where is it? Where will I park? What will the room look like? Join me as I take you on a tour of my home-based...
Self-care for parents

Self-care for parents

You are your child’s biggest role model It’s proven that humans learn by modelling themselves on others.  Parents and caregivers play a huge role in childhood development.  Research has shown being a good role model to your child can help them develop empathy, a...
The best gift

The best gift

Recently my back has been playing up.  I have a wonderful Chiropractor who I see regularly to keep things in check, but I must admit, other things have taken priority.  I am now at the point where I cannot sit on the sofa for any duration of time, car journeys are...
Leaving a toxic relationship behind

Leaving a toxic relationship behind

From the moment we are born, we have an innate drive to be in relationship to others.  No man is an island and being in relationship with others enables our needs to be met. Hollywood has a lot to answer for.  They make finding someone to love seems so easy when in...
Great Expectations

Great Expectations

It is a fact of life; there will be times when we need help, be it emotional, physical, or just having someone understand what might feel difficult or challenging.  These are moments in time which reveal who is there, and who is absent. Establishing who you can and...